Monday, January 26, 2015

Another big week!

So my blogger isn't loading properly this morning and I can't read my blogs! So I'll post instead! After my big week, 3 flimsies, I followed it up with another 3! All of these were partially started or partially cut out, one of them was large 😳. By finishing these I have realised that even though I'm out of practice- I have improved a lot. It kind of like when you see those notes on Facebook from the drunk version to the sober version! I sat there thinking... What on earth were you thinking Sash? Why can't you sew a consistent 1/4 inch seam??...
Unfortunately the first photo means that I have used the last of my favourite range, "Madiera" by Blackbird Designs. I have some some scraps so a small project might happen but I now have one big quilt, two schnibbles and a bag. This fabric is what really started the obsession for me, I fell in love and bought as much as I could. Now I need to quilt... The only catch is, I've been reorganising my sewing room and getting inspired by all of my projects, so I may keep sewing!!! Either way, I'm inspired and I'm enjoying my time!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Big Week!

On Tuesday morning I got out a kit that I had partially cut out- "State Fair" by Miss Rosie's Quilt Company in a Minnick and Simpson fabric. Normally when I do this I admire it for a while and put it back but this day I organised myself and finished it!?! I couldn't believe it!

I love it! So Wednesday morning before work I picked the next kit to finish- a moda bakeshop pattern in a 30's repro fabric and completed it on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons! After two years without sewing a top, I had suddenly finished two??? Maybe my mojo had returned?!?

Surely not! You can see where this is going? Friday morning I picked out the next one- a project from moda in autumn colours with little 2.5" squares and finished it Sunday morning!!!

So now my flimsy count is at 9... The aim is to grow it next week! Which brings me to my next point. Every year bloggers talk about their word for the year, it's been on my mind and I think I've come up with my word for the year... More. I will eat "more" fruits and veges, exercise "more", sew "more", bake "more", study "more"! You get the point! It's felt good this week to have my mojo back, no pressure, just for the sheer joy of it! This week I plan to finish a large wisp and continue the stitcheries for "Tis the season" by The Birdhouse and see where my inspiration leads me :) Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Those pesky New Years resolutions have reared their ugly heads in my house this year! I have been slowly learning to run, slowly and I want to quilt more this year, so I asked my husband for a catchy name for my Instagram account and he came up with the quilted runner. I like it! So here is my attempt at recording my life, regularly! Again 😝 Because I've blogged before and let it go by the wayside, so here we go! 
Oh- and I bake!
