Monday, January 26, 2015

Another big week!

So my blogger isn't loading properly this morning and I can't read my blogs! So I'll post instead! After my big week, 3 flimsies, I followed it up with another 3! All of these were partially started or partially cut out, one of them was large 😳. By finishing these I have realised that even though I'm out of practice- I have improved a lot. It kind of like when you see those notes on Facebook from the drunk version to the sober version! I sat there thinking... What on earth were you thinking Sash? Why can't you sew a consistent 1/4 inch seam??...
Unfortunately the first photo means that I have used the last of my favourite range, "Madiera" by Blackbird Designs. I have some some scraps so a small project might happen but I now have one big quilt, two schnibbles and a bag. This fabric is what really started the obsession for me, I fell in love and bought as much as I could. Now I need to quilt... The only catch is, I've been reorganising my sewing room and getting inspired by all of my projects, so I may keep sewing!!! Either way, I'm inspired and I'm enjoying my time!!!

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